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Our Events & Programs

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community events
August 17, 2024 @ 1100
Reading of the Names

We will remember Sisters Veterans that have passed away and they will be commemorated by their names added to the Memorial Stone at the Village Green Park. For more information: 

Memorial Day 2024

Thank you for a wonderful turn out and a successful event.  We appreciate the support from the following:

Redmond HS Marine Jr ROTC

David Wentworth for singing the National Anthem

Steve Allely for playing the piper and providing sound

Three Sisters Floral, Ray's Food Place

Camp Sherman Store, Sno Cap Drive Inn

Pony Express, Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District

Events by Design, and The City of Sisters



Annual Scholarship and Youth opportunities



Each year, both the American Legion and VFW offer thousands of dollars in scholarships! We also offer special event opportunities. Most scholarships and programs must be initiated from the Post level first.  Please reach out to our local Commanders if you are interested in participating.

American Legion -



American Legion awards $238,750 to Boys State, Girls State participants through the Samsung American Legion Scholarship

The recipients earned the award based on several criteria, including participation in the 2023 session of American Legion Boys State or Auxiliary Girls State, and being a direct descendant of a wartime veteran eligible for American Legion membership. 

The Samsung American Legion Scholarship is available for high school juniors who participate in the current session of Boys State or Girls State and are direct descendants (or legally adopted children) of wartime veterans eligible for American Legion membership. The Samsung scholarship supports undergraduate studies (e.g., room and board, tuition and books), and each applicant is selected according to his or her involvement in school and community activities, academic record and financial need.


Boys State
American Legion Boys State is among the most respected and selective educational programs of government instruction for U.S. high school students. A participatory program in which students become part of the operation of local, county and state government, Boys State was founded in 1935 to counter the socialism-inspired Young Pioneer Camps. The program was the idea of two Illinois Legionnaires, Hayes Kennedy and Harold Card, who organized the first Boys State at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield.

Boys Nation
Two representatives from each of the 49 Boys States represent their state at Boys Nation in Washington, where the young leaders receive an education on the structure and function of federal government.

The first Boys Nation – then called Boys Forum of National Government – convened at American University in Washington in August 1946. The 1946 American Legion National Convention adopted the event as an official youth activity. Three years later, it became American Legion Boys Nation.


Girls State
Female high school students who have completed their junior year are competitively selected and sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary units for this program, where they learn about the political process by electing officials for all levels of state government and actively running a mock government. The girls are assigned to mock cities and either the “Federalist Party” or “Nationalist Party.”

Assistance from dedicated ALA volunteers ensures the program’s nonpartisan governmental, patriotic, and civic objectives are carried out through interactive learning. Though the week is filled with many learning opportunities, there is always time for fun and the formation of long-term friendships.

Candidates should be keenly interested in government and current events, and show strong leadership abilities. Because the structure of state and local government varies, ALA Girls State programs may vary in content and method of procedure, but each adheres to the same basic core values.


Legacy Scholarship
The American Legion’s Legacy Scholarship provides college funding to children of post-9/11 veterans who died on active duty, or those who have a combined VA disability rating of 50 percent or greater. Apply January 1 to to Wednesday, March 27, 2024.


The American Legion Baseball Scholarship
The American Legion awards between $22,000 and $25,000 in scholarships to deserving baseball players each year. Each Department Baseball Committee may select a player from its department to receive this scholarship. The American Legion will award several scholarships each year depending on the number of applicants and interest earned from the trust fund.


National High School Oratorical Contest Scholarship
Scholarships are awarded to the three finalists. First place receives $25,000, second gets $22,500 and third takes $20,000.

Each individual state winner certified into and participating in the first round of the national contest receives a $2,000 scholarship.


Eagle Scout of the Year
American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year Scholarship
The American Legion Eagle Scout of the Year nomination window is from November 1st to March 1st, annually. Nomination packets must be received by each applicant's respective American Legion Department (state) no later than March 1st.


Junior Shooting Sports Scholarship
Annual American Legion 3-Position Junior Air Rifle Championship

Two Categories:

Precision: Winner will receive $5,000 in college scholarships

Sporter: Winner will receive $5,000 in college scholarships

These scholarships are provided in part by The American Legion and The Sons of the American Legion.


Veterans of Foreign Wars


Voice of Democracy
Established in 1947, our Voice of Democracy audio-essay program provides high school students with the unique opportunity to express themselves in regards to a democratic and patriotic-themed recorded essay.  Each year, nearly 25,000 ninth through 12th grade students from across the country enter to win their share of more than $1 million in educational scholarships and incentives awarded through the program. 


Patriot's Pen
Each year, nearly 68,800 students in sixth through eighth grades enter the VFW’s Patriot’s Pen youth essay contest for a chance to win their share of nearly $1 million in state and national awards. Each first place state winner receives a minimum of $500 at the national level, and the national first place winner wins $5,000! 


Scout of the Year
Some of our earliest ties to the community involve youth groups and perhaps none are stronger or more lasting than the relationship between the VFW and America's scouting organizations. In fact, our partnership with the Boy Scouts of America dates back to 1915 when VFW Post 2100 helped to establish Troop 1 in Everett, Washington.

Our Scout of the Year program provides members of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to be recognized for their standout citizenship, patriotism and love of country.

Community Service Recognition

VFW Teacher of the Year

Without our nation’s veterans, America wouldn't be the great nation it is today. Our youth deserve to learn about our rich history, traditions and the role of our veterans in creating and shaping America.

Each year, the Veterans of Foreign Wars selects elementary, middle, and high school teachers to participate in the Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher program.


AL Firefighter of the Year
Starting in 2010, The American Legion will give a National Firefighter of the Year Award to a firefighter who has exceeded the requirements expected of his or her position and has shown a distinct pattern of community service and professional achievement. The award, which takes into account heroic acts, will be given annually at the Legion's national convention.


AL Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
Each year, The American Legion gives its National Law Enforcement Officer of the Year Award to a well-rounded law enforcement officer who has exceeded the duty requirements expected of his or her position and has demonstrated a distinct pattern of community service coupled with professional achievement. The award, which especially takes into account heroic acts, is presented annually at the Legion's national convention.


on going campaigns



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